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By Dale AndrewsThere have been troubling claims of political influence and interference in the affairs of the Guyana Police Force (GPF) which if they are to be addressed require a marked cultural shift at all levels, one that emphasises the independence and professionalism of a police service vis-à-vis one identified it as an instrument of the current government of the day. Be that as it may, it is the right of every citizen to demand that all officers and other ranks remain impartial when dealing with candidates, and campaigners for political parties, regardless of any perceived personal loyalty and/or feelings of gratitude for promotion or security of tenure or any other similar factor. This requirement also effectively forbids any police officer from attempting to influence the vote of ranks under his/her control, and minimizes exposure to criticisms of favouring one party over another.It goes without saying that the GPF administration and individual members are prohibited from issuing press releases, brochures,Jerseys From China, leaflets, adverts, newsletters,NFL Jerseys Cheap, use of the Force’s website and its social media networks or stage any event which may be interpreted as designed to affect public support for a political party.With public trust at an all-time low, the police administration needs to do all it can to restore public confidence and trust in the police role during this elections period. Failure to act decisively in this regard may be taken as a deliberate and accurate reflection of the true intent of the police force.The police should, however,China Jerseys Cheap, be in attendance at the briefing for candidates and agents to be thoroughly in the loop as it relates to a joint approach in reinforcing expectations of conduct by those standing for election and their agents.On the other hand, political party representatives should caution prospective voters that it is illegal conduct to engage in transactions including the selling of their national identification cards or acceptance of inappropriate hospitality or other inducement for the immoral purpose of vote-buying.Having said that, it is incumbent on the police to demonstrate by their very presence that expected standards of conduct must be adhered to and respected.Sadly, although citizens can make demands with the reasonable assumption that they will at least be heard and some effort (no matter how minimal) might be made to address expressed concerns, the same cannot be said for the responsiveness (or lack thereof) of the political parties.It has been shown that parties in power will use the advantage of incumbency to be re-elected.  Guyanese are not oblivious to the timing of announcements of proposed major projects in this pre-election period, nor are they ignorant of the abuse of state resources for electioneering purposes by public officials which in some places are prohibited by law.The GPF is in a unique situation of being accountable not simply to civilian authority, but to the laws of Guyana.  Paradoxically, although that is as it should be, the police have very little latitude or capacity in initiating investigations into electoral malpractices of senior public officials, or in dealing with elections-related investigations.  This situation collides with the police role in the electoral process which is to ensure that the elections are conducted lawfully in a safe and secure environment,Cheap Jerseys From China, free of intimidation for people exercising their constitutional and democratic rights.A few of the lessons learned from the experiences in other countries might be applicable in the Guyana context namely: (1) the senior command structure must be actively engaged in discussing issues of police concern in the planning process; (2)educate the police about their responsibilities during an election with due consideration to the officer level, specific responsibilities and the complexity of the situation; (3) draft educational material with reference to elements at (2) above,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys, and consistent with the need to know; (4) utilize the train-the-trainer approach which develops and tests possible election-based scenarios of what might happen; (5) keep training material simple, short,Cheap Jerseys Outlet, focused and applicable to the rank level for which it is intended.  A pocket-book format with pertinent instructions for frontline ranks has been found useful. But this does not invalidate face-to-face briefings; (6) the police administration must actively demonstrate support for the role of the police in a democratic society; (7) members of the police command hierarchy must fully understood their role under the electoral laws and their responsibilities to address strategic issues and conduct risk assessments; (8) review electoral and other laws as they relate to rights of assembly and demonstrations which must be maintained during elections.Subordinate ranks are for the most part posted to polling stations or perform polling day duties without being under the watchful eye of their supervisors at all material times. It is therefore an imperative that these ranks should be guided as to the appropriate police behaviour.Although not all circumstances can be foreseen, guidance should be provided using a highly responsive form of information dissemination such as electronic bulletins or website, where practicable with respect to potential voting day issues.It is therefore incumbent on the force administration to give directions with regard to: (i) circumstances under which a police officer should enter a polling station if not posted there; (ii) If a police officer participates in the inspection of a polling station whether invited by the electoral official or not; (iii) the duties a police officer is expected to perform at or near the entrance to a polling station; (iv) if the normal traffic rules will apply in polling station areas, or if they will be relaxed to permit easy access and a smooth voting process; (v)if a police officer should be involved in removing political posters from near or in the polling station; (vi) should a police officer tell a citizen how to vote; (vi) the actions a police officer should do if he or she sees an observer or political party representative interfering with a citizen voting; (vii) what an elections official should do when he or she sees a police officer acting in an inappropriate manner; (viii) if it is mandatory for a police officer to be present when ballots are being counted; (ix) if it is not mandatory can a superior officer can order a police officer to oversee the counting of ballots; (x) the escorting responsibility of police in the delivery of ballots to stations or depositories; and (xi) should police vehicles be used for ballot delivery apart from escort duties.In the final analysis if it is to recover from its current low standing, the Guyana Police Force must seize the moment and conduct its elections operations in a manner which demonstrates that its officers and other ranks are alert to their responsibilities.Those members who are tasked with elections duties must be approachable and accessible to voters who may be in need for assistance. Ranks properly identified by name tags must be professional in their demeanour and personal appearance while maintaining impartiality if they are not to be the subject of lasting unfavourable opinions which are sometimes lasting.Because of the politically charged atmosphere and high sensitivities, the police will have to exhibit fairness if their actions are to avoid being labelled as excessive, including the use of force which can lead to possible conflict situations.  At times like the current period, unscrupulous groups and individuals will seize any and every opportunity to incite problems for the police, and therefore no opportunity should provide anyone with an excuse to generate hostilities and cause a breakdown of the polls.Of course the commissioner of police has assured that the police are prepared for the worst case scenario, whatever that means.Next week I will be dealing with corruption in the Guyana Police Force, especially since that is one area that much emphasis was placed on at the recently concluded Police Officers Conference.(Dale Andrews is a Senior Crime Reporter who has been covering the police beat for almost two decades)