K?nken Ryggs?ck Rea kbb4m405
– Logging and other activities resumeCommitment of support to assist the forest operations of Kwakwani affectedby heavy rainfall has been honoured, resulting in the resumption of logging operations. This has been confirmed by the Upper Berbice Forest ProducersAssociation.The intervention was made following the swelling of the Berbice River banks which affected forest operations. As a result, Agriculture Minister Robert Persaud met with loggers and residents of Kwakwani on Saturday, June 12, 2010, to discuss the effects of the heavy rains on the community, particularly the disruption of the only pontoon service and to implement solutions.Resulting from the meeting, Persaud committed and delivered $300,000 to the Upper Berbice Forest Producers Association to assist with constructing a high level dam (which the loggers referred toa bump) using white sand to recommence operation of the pontoon service.Additionally, following a request by residents, an engineer visited Kwakwani and Hururu, and made assessments and adequate recommendations regarding the clearing of creeks and canals, while a team of agricultural officers from the Ministry of Agriculture visited and conducted training and provided assistance to residents /farmers of 12 villages in the Berbice River, which included Kwakwani, Hururu, Calcuni, Comacka, Maria Henrietta, Wiruni, St. Lust, Ebini, Kimbia, Sandhills,Authentic Jerseys Store, Gateroy, Develdt. |