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By Dr Zulfikar BuxAssistant Professor of Emergency MedicineStroke is one of the major causes of death in Guyana and worldwide. It also a very debilitating illness and families are often left with the struggle of caring for a loved one who is incapacitated,Cheap Jerseys From China, depressed, and often dependent on others toDr Zulfikar Buxcarry out their daily activities.WHAT IS A STROKE? — Stroke is the term doctors use when a part of the brain dies because it goes without blood for too long. Strokes can happen when the blood supply to a part of the brain is cut off, because:Ï%An artery in the brain gets clogged or closes off, orÏ%An artery in the brain starts bleedingHOW DO STROKES AFFECT PEOPLE? — The effects of a stroke depend on a lot of things, including:Ï%Which part and how much of the brain is affectedÏ%How quickly the stroke is treatedSome people who have a stroke have no lasting effects. Others lose important brain functions. For example, some people become partly or fully paralyzed or unable to speak and some may die when they have a massive stroke.HOW CAN YOU TELL IF SOMEONE IS HAVING A STROKE? — There is an easy way to remember the signs of a stroke. Just think of the word “FAST”. Each letter in the word stands for one of the things you should watch for:Ï%Face – Does the person’s face look uneven or droop on one side?Ï%Arm – Does the person have weakness or numbness in one or both arms? Does one arm drift down if the person tries to hold both arms out?Ï%Speech – Is the person having trouble speaking? Does his or her speech sound strange?Ï%Time – If you notice any of these stroke signs, call for an ambulance or try to get the patient to the Hospital as soon as possible. You need to act FAST. The sooner treatment begins,Cheap Jerseys Free, the better the chances of recovery.CAN STROKES BE PREVENTED? — Yes. To lower your risk of stroke,China Jersyes Cheap, you should:Ï%Take your medicines exactly as directed. Medicines that are especially important in preventing strokes include:•Blood pressure medicines•Medicines called statins, which lower cholesterol•Medicines to prevent blood clots, such as aspirin or blood thinners•Medicines that help to keep your blood sugar as close to normal as possible (if you have diabetes)Ï%Make lifestyle changes:•Stop smoking,Wholesale Jerseys NFL, if you smoke•Get regular exercise (if your doctor says it’s safe) for at least 30 minutes a day on most days of the week•Lose weight, if you are overweight•Eat a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and low-fat dairy products, and low in meats, sweets, and refined grains (such as white bread or white rice)•Eat less salt (sodium)•Limit the amount of alcohol you drinkWHAT HAPPENS DURING RECOVERY FROM A STROKE? — During recovery, people work to regain some of the abilities they lost. Even though a part of their brain was damaged by the stroke,NFL Jerseys China, their brain can re-learn how to do some of the things it used to do.People who lose the ability to speak can often re-learn how to speak or at least how to communicate to some degree. In the same way, people who lose the ability to walk can sometimes re-learn how to walk. Often recovery involves rehabilitation via physiotherapy. This is where the patient will be required to visit a physical therapist who would assist the patient with various exercises, stretches and practices to improve their disability.WHAT ARE THE CHANCES OF FULL RECOVERY AFTER A STROKE? — The chances of making a full recovery depend on a lot of factors, such as:Ï%How big the stroke wasÏ%What part of the brain was damaged by the strokeÏ%How old the person is (Younger people tend to recover better than older people.)Ï%What other medical problems the person has (such as heart failure or cancer)Ï%Whether the person was sick before the stroke happenedÏ%How soon the person was treated following the strokeScientists used to think that when a part of the brain was damaged, there was no way to recover what was lost. It turns out that is not true. The brain can recover some and adapt. The most important thing you can do to help make this happen is to stick with rehab and do all the exercises and therapies your healthcare team recommends.Also, be patient. It takes time to heal and learn new ways to cope,Cheap Adidas NHL Jerseys, but work and patience can pay off.